Simon Patrick Cooper
Research Technologist IIBiography
Brief Profile Professor Simon Cooper is employed at Edith Cowan University, Australia. He commissioned and now directs the National Placement Evaluation Centre which evaluates health practitioners' clinical placements across Australia, aiming to enhance education outcomes. He is a registered nurse with intensive care qualifications, a management degree, masters in education and a PhD in resuscitation leadership. He started his career working in critical care departments across the south of England, before becoming a Resuscitation Officer, managing, researching and training emergency teams. He then moved to an ambulance service as Head of Education whilst teaching part time on a Masters in Education programme at the former Peninsula Medical School (Plymouth/Exeter UK). In 2003 he moved full time to higher education as a Principal Lecturer (University of Plymouth, UK) with responsibility for a master's degree in advanced healthcare practice (nurse practitioner registration). Following a move to Australia, as an Associate Professor at Monash University (2008-15), he was Director of Research and a Campus Head at the School of Nursing and Midwifery (Berwick). More recently he was a Professor at Federation University. He has also held previous appointments as a Visiting Professor in the School of Nursing at the University of Brighton (UK), as a Distinguished Professor at The University of Hong Kong and Associate Editor of International Emergency Nursing. His research interests include patient safety, clinical workforce performance, emergency care and teaching and learning. This includes resuscitation survival prediction models, emergency care practitioner studies, inter-professional education, team and leadership performance, health promotion, simulation and patient deterioration studies. Simon is a developer of the First2Act patient deterioration program which includes innovative virtual simulations. To date 30,000 participants have registered for the 1.5. hour program with the scenarios completed 150,000 times. Simon's primary aim is to translate his research into collaborative work that has a clinical impact. Research/education grants (n=40+) include nationally competitive Category 1 grants, with a total income of $3.4 million. Publications include 156 peer review publications (Scopus 5,563 citations and an h-index of 42; Google citations 11,855 for 223 publications; i10 index 129 and an h-index of 60). Field weighted citation impact (2.44) is significantly above the international average. He is a reviewer for 16 international journals and has supervised 17 PhD students to completion. He has held educational senior management positions since 1992, managing a hospital training and research department and an ambulance service school of education. In the University sector he has been appointed to post graduate lead roles, a Research Director, Campus Head positions, Associate Dean (Research), School Executive member and a chair of review boards for the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council ANMAC). Until recently he was also the Co-director of a multi-disciplinary health research centre at Federation University, the Health Innovation and Transformation Centre (HITC),
- PhD - University of Exeter, 2000
- Simulation, Patient Detrioration, Teaching And Learning, Non-Technical Skills, Leadership, Emergency Care