Policy & Advocacy
1201 15th Street NW, Suite 520, Washington, D.C. 20005
Policy & Advocacy
The Nemours Children's National Office of Policy and Prevention (National Office) works to support the healthiest generations of children by advancing innovative prevention strategies and pediatric health system transformation within our health system and nationally. Nemours’ innovation and expertise serve as our foundation.
As part of the Nemours National Office, the Federal Affairs team provides thought leadership and advocacy to support children’s health, well-being and development. The team works with the U.S. Congress, the federal executive branch and national partners on federal policy changes that help create positive conditions for children to grow up healthy and thrive.
- Policy Papers
- Blog & Policy Op-Eds
- Public Comments
- Key Letters
- Social Drivers of Health Briefs
Policy Papers
- The Impact of Federal Support on Pediatric Behavioral Health in Delaware
- Advancing the Key Elements of Whole Child Health: State Case Studies and Policy Recommendations
- Executive Summary — Advancing the Key Elements of Whole Child Health: State Case Studies and Policy Recommendations
- Fostering School-Based Behavioral Health Services — Key Recommendations for Policymakers and Philanthropy
- Fostering School-Based Behavioral Health Services — Innovative and Promising Models, Policies and Practices From Across the Nation
- Aligning Efforts to Achieve Equitable Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Health and Well-Being for Children and Youth
- Promoting Health in Early Care and Education Policy Brief
- Pediatric Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Health: Federal Policy Recommendations for Congress and the Executive Branch
- Caring for the Whole Child: A New Way to Finance Initiatives to Improve Children's Health and Well-Being
- Accountable Communities for Health for Children and Families: Approaches for Catalyzing and Accelerating Success
- Executive Summary — Pediatric Value-Based Care and Social Drivers
- Pediatric Value-Based Care and Social Drivers: Emerging Examples
- Pediatric Value-Based Care and Social Drivers: Recommendations
- Data Sharing Across Child-Serving Sectors: Key Lessons and Resources
- Roadmap for Action: Advancing the Adoption of Telehealth in Child Care Centers and Schools to Promote Children’s Health and Well-Being
- Spurring Innovation: The Role of Child Health Policy
- Defining an Accountable Community for Health for Children and Families
- Case Study — Nationwide Children’s Hospital: An Accountable Care Organization Going Upstream to Address Population Health
Blog & Policy Op-Eds
- Congress Must Act on the Maternal Mental Health Crisis
- Family Advocacy: How Cancer took Cameron to Chords and Capitol Hill
- Now Is the Time to Improve the Health of Our Nation’s Children
- Spreading and Scaling Whole Child Health: Examples From Leading States and Federal Policy Recommendations
- Congress Must Face the Preemie Crisis
- The Behavioral Health Crisis Among Children and Youth Is Real and Urgent: Policy and Philanthropy Can Invest Now in School Based Behavioral Health
- Leading Organizations Advocate for Better Care for Mothers and Babies During Cindy Pellegrini Maternal & Child Health Advocacy Day
- Family Advocacy Day 2023: ‘Fearless for Kids’ Health
- Prioritize children. Feed families. Strengthen the nation
- Advocacy Is Care — How a Nemours Resident Is Making a Difference
- Fewer mothers and babies are dying in New Jersey but too many are still at risk
- Nemours Children's Health Joins White House Effort to Address Hunger, Nutrition and Health
- Pediatric Mental Health Roundtable: Federal Policy Recommendations
- Speak Now for Kids-Family Advocacy Day
- More Resources Needed for America's Youth Mental Health Crisis
- Maternal and Child Health Legislation Must Be Prioritized Now
- Reduce Childhood Poverty to Build Back Better for the Next Generation
- Pediatric Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Health: Federal Policy Recommendations for Congress and the Executive Branch
- Building Back Healthier: Improving Food, Nutrition, and Physical Activity Could Transform the Early Care and Education System
- Delaware's kids can get the services they need — if Biden leads. Here's why
- Creating an Agenda For Children's Resiliency And Health
- We Must Collect Vaccine Data to Protect Future Generations
- Caring for Kids in the COVID-19 Era
- COVID-19 and Telehealth Revolution Policy Bariers — Standing in the Way of Transforming Care
- Giving Infants a Stronger Start
- Seeking State’s Help for Florida’s Sickest Children
- Supporting Patient-Centered Research
- Nemours Children’s CEO Calls for CMS to Push Smarter Strategies for Children’s Health
- Spurring Innovation: The Role of Child Health Policy
- Realizing the Promise of Telehealth for Children
- Precision Medicine Saves Lives: One Family’s Story
- What’s the Big Deal About Precision Medicine
- Supporting Parents to Help Children Thrive
Public Comments
Nemours submitted public comments in response to a request for information by the Centers for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) on processes for assessing compliance with mental health parity and addiction equity in Medicaid and CHIP
Nemours submitted public comments in support of the United States Department of Agriculture’s proposal to lower the minimum Individual Student Percentage threshold for the Community Eligibility Provision.
Nemours provided comments and recommendations in response to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) 2023 proposed rule entitled Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.
Nemours submitted public comments in support of the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) proposed updates to the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) food package. WIC provides critical supports to moms and babies, including access to quality nutrition, to help young children grow up healthy.
Nemours responded to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services request for information on accessing health care, understanding provider experiences, advancing health equity, and assessing the impact of waivers and flexibilities provided in response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.
Nemours provides feedback in response to the Administration’s request for information (RFI) on future requirements related to surprise billing, particularly related to the issuance of Good Faith Estimates (GFEs) and Advanced Explanations of Benefits (AEOBs) for patients with insurance coverage.
Nemours responded to the request for information from the U.S. Department of the Treasury regarding the Social Impact Partnerships to Pay for Results Act program.
Nemours provides public comments in response to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ proposed rule to streamline application, eligibility, determination, enrollment and renewal processes for Medicaid, CHIP and the Basic Health Program (BHP).
Nemours provided recommendations to strengthen the Centers for Medicare and Medical Services' (CMS) August 2022 proposal to require mandatory reporting of core Measure Sets.
Nemours recommended extending current, temporary telehealth flexibilities made possible under the Public Health Emergency.
Nemours submitted testimony for the Senate Finance Committee hearing record for its February 15, 2022 hearing entitled Protecting Youth Mental Health: Part II — Identifying and Addressing Barriers to Care.
Nemours encouraged the Administration to utilize big data, prioritize reducing health disparities in the pediatric population, and improve diversity and inclusion in research.
Nemours encouraged the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to reduce disparities through the creation of a White House Office on Children and Youth, and a federal Children’s Cabinet.
Nemours encouraged the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to reduce disparities through the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with safeguards to protect personal health information.
Nemours encouraged the Administration to address health inequities in maternal and child health outcomes by focusing on social determinants of health as the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) finalizes its strategic plan.
Nemours encouraged the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to create a more consistent compliance landscape and to provide further guidance on the interdependencies across state and federal privacy regulations.
Nemours responded to the Administration’s proposal that could impact Medicaid coverage and nutrition benefits for children. Nemours’ comments focused on the potential impact on the health, development, and well-being of children and families.
Nemours encouraged the Administration to recognize the unique health care needs of the pediatric population and to consider access to pediatric care as essential to children’s health as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) finalizes its MCO rule.
Nemours encouraged CMMI to focus on pediatric test models.
Nemours responded with recommendations for CMS to consider areas of payment system redesign and health information exchange as CMS revises its Medicare payment policies.
Key Letters
- Letter to Congress Outlining Nemours 2024 Year-End Policy Priorities
- Nemours, March of Dimes and Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago — Joint Letter to Congress in Support of the MOMS Who Serve Act
- Coalition for Pediatric Medical Research Response to House Energy & Commerce Committee Framework to Reform the National Institutes of Health
- Nemours Letter to the House in Support of Child Tax Credit Provisions in the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act
- Nemours Letter to the Senate on the Child Tax Credit
- Response to Cassidy-Murphy RFI on Federal Mental Health, Substance Use Disorder Programs
- Nemours Response to Senate Finance Committee Mental Health RFI
- Recommendations for the Build Back Better Budget Reconciliation Package
- COVID-19 Priorities for the 117th Congress
- Recommendations to the Congressional Telehealth Caucus to Expand Telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring Services
- Removing Barriers to Care for Children with Medical Complexity via the ACE Kids Act
- Addressing Potential Changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in the Farm Bill
- Advocating for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) and Pediatric Telehealth Provisions in the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act
- Key Recommendations to the Senate Finance Committee for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)
Social drivers of health encompass the health-related behaviors, environmental factors and socioeconomic factors that affect a child’s growth, development and well-being. Where children live, play and learn can greatly impact their health and wellness in the short-term and long-term. In fact, evidence shows 80-90% of health outcomes are attributable to social drivers of health. These factors go beyond the health care system and play a crucial role in setting the path to optimal health outcomes for children and youth.
The fact sheets included in this series demonstrate how key social drivers impact children's health, development and well-being.

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