Bereavement Support Services
The death of a loved one, particularly a child, requires the strongest support possible — for the whole family. That’s why we’ve designed a bereavement (grief) support program at Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida that includes grief counseling and family support.
Our services include professional counseling, support for siblings, support groups, a family workshop and a camp for grieving siblings.
Bereavement Support Services
If you’ve lost a child, it’s essential for you and your family to have help with addressing your emotions and coping with your loss. Our team members have the training and experience to compassionately help you through this process.
Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida hosts an annual "Nemours Remembers" ceremony every year to honor patients who passed away in the previous year. This is a time of celebration, closure and connection between the families and the staff who cared for their children. The event is open to family members, friends, faculty and staff, and a reception follows the ceremony. Families have shared that they appreciated being part of such a meaningful, healing experience.
Contact Us
Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida
Bereavement Services
Palliative and Supportive Care Team (407) 567-4034