Reimagining Children’s Health


Did you know that America spends more than triple what our peer countries do on medical care, yet we have among the worst health indices of any country in the developed world?


We can change that.

America’s health care system evolved to provide one thing: medical care. And though we’re a global leader in cutting-edge medicine for complex conditions, America pays less attention to the many other things that are essential to creating and maintaining health — like nutrition, safety, housing and transportation.

The good news is that together, by supporting programs and policies that combine these factors with medical care, we can make America’s health care system more effective and less expensive.

The key is to start with children.

More than any other population, improvements in childhood health result in immediate and long-term benefits that ripple across communities and generations, helping more Americans enjoy a strong economy and a bright future.

Armed with the facts, you can help create more health for yourself, your family and your community.

I hope you’ll help me and Nemours Children's spread the word about what really creates health, how investing early is the key to securing America’s future, and why your voice matters.

R. Lawrence Moss, MD, FACS, FAAP
President and Chief Executive Officer
Nemours Children’s Health

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Improving Children's Health Improves Us All

A History of Nemours Children’s Health Through Archives

The Images of America series celebrates the history of neighborhoods, towns  and cities across the country. Using archival photographs collected, preserved and archived by staff of Nemours this book shares the history and distinct story of Alfred I. duPont and how he shaped children’s health care in the communities we serve today.

A Prescription for Fixing Health Care

Dr. Moss explains how we're looking beyond and improving children’s health where it starts — at home, in the community and anywhere you find children.

Fireside Chat: Health Care Transformation to Advance Health Equity

Dr. Moss provides the keynote address in this video interview on how Nemours Children's unique perspective on how we can advance health equity.

A Conversation on Transformation and the Possibilities for Change

Watch as Dr. Moss leads this 2023 panel discussion, including some of the country's top children's health care experts, on the topic of Elevating Kids' Health Well Beyond Medicine.

The State of Equity in America: Health Equity Starts With Our Children

Dr. Moss joins U.S. News & World Report Editor Dafna Linzer for a Fireside Chat on Building a Foundation for Health Equity in Childhood and Beyond by going well beyond medicine to create the healthiest generations of children.

Recent Articles

Read Dr. Moss' contributions to some prominent articles on children's health.

Chief Healthcare Executive — Nemours Children’s Health CEO talks about improving the health of kids, and everyone else
By Ron Southwick, Chief Healthcare Executive | November 9, 2023. 

HLTH — Elevating Kids' Health Well Beyond Medicine
By R. Lawrence Moss, MD, FACS, FAAP, | September 25, 2023

Becker’s Healthcare Podcast — Finding Health by Looking in the Right Place: How Understanding What Actually Creates Health Can Fix U.S. Healthcare 
Becker’s Healthcare Podcast | 2023

HFMA Magazine — Healthcare 2030:  Health vs. Care
By Lisa Eramo, | 2023

ReachMD — Nemours Children’s CEO Releases New eBook on Essentials of Health Beyond the Doctor’s Office | May 17, 2023

HealthLeaders Media — It's Simple: Nemours CEO Shares 3 Ways To Fix Healthcare. 
By Melanie Blackman, | June 29, 2023

CBS National News Media Outlets — 86% of Kids Report Worrying
By Sara Moniuszko and Bradley Blackburn, | May 8, 2023

Healthcare Innovation magazine — Nemours Children’s Health CEO Dr. R. Lawrence Moss on Innovation
By Mark Hagland, Healthcare Innovation | April 6, 2023

Previous Articles 

"Nemours Children’s Health to Advance Health Equity in Pediatric Care"

By Sarai Rodriguez, Patient Engagement HIT | March 2, 2022

"Dear President Biden: We Need a White House Office on Children and Youth"

By Bruce Lesley & R. Lawrence Moss MD, Morning Consult | January 25, 2021

"How Nemours Children’s Health Is Reconceptualizing the Whole Concept of Care"
By Matt Humphrey, Strategic Health Care Marketing | November 4, 2021

"Nemours Survey: Parents Like Telehealth, But More Need to Be Convinced to Use It" 
By Eric Wicklund, mHealth Intelligence | August 20, 2021

Dr. Moss contributed to articles on the state of children's health and how it all was affected by COVID-19.

"Caring For Kids In The COVID-19 Era: Addressing Social Drivers and Paying for Health"
R. Lawrence Moss MD, Charlene A. Wong, Daniella Gratale, Mark B. McClellan, HealthAffairs | July 21, 2020

"What Leadership Looks Like Now in U.S. Healthcare"
By Mark Hagland, Healthcare Innovation | November 23, 2020

"CEOs Want Partners but Increasingly Not a Merger"
By Tara Bannow, Modern Healthcare | February 22, 2020

"Millions of Families Are Struggling to Meet Children's Basic Health Needs. Here's What We Can Do"
By R. Lawrence Moss MD, HealthLeaders Media | March 10, 2020

"Nemours Children's CEO: Kids' Health 'Is Everyone's Business'"
By Morgan Haefner, Becker’s | March 2, 2020

"COVID as a Catalyst to Move Toward Health Equity for Children"
By R. Lawrence Moss MD, Modern Healthcare | November 25, 2020

"Honoring Lives Lost to Covid-19" 
NEJM Catalyst | July 29, 2020

"COVID-19 and Telehealth Revolution Policy Barriers Are Standing in the Way of Transforming Care"
By R. Lawrence Moss MD, The HILL | May 18, 2020

"Nemours' CEO Makes Economic Case for Investment in Pediatrics"
By Tina Reed, Fierce Healthcare | August 21, 2020

"Lessons From CEOs: COVID-19"
NEJM Catalyst | July 29, 2020

"Q&A With Modern Health Care"
Modern Healthcare | October 26, 2019

"Let’s Invest More in Kids’ Health"
By Steven Porter, HealthLeaders | October 17, 2019

"Integrating Pediatric Care and Taking on Risk to Improve Health"
By Rebecca Gale, HealthAffairs | November 2019

"How Hospitals Can Impact the Social Determinants of Health"
By Joseph P. Williams, U.S. News & World Report | November 18, 2019

"Achieving Value-Based Care Results"
By Jacqueline LaPointe, RevCycle Intelligence | November 1, 2019

"Improving the Health of Populations"
By Mark Hagland, Healthcare Innovation | October 8, 2019

"Leaping Forward Into the Future of Population Health"
By Mark Hagland, Healthcare Innovation | November 27, 2019

"Fee-for-Service Limits Long-Term Work on Social Determinants"
By Maria Castelluci, Modern Healthcare | June 15, 2019

Dr. Moss' Latest Blog

We Must Do Better for Children of Military Members

Nothing gives life meaning more than the honor of being part of something bigger than oneself. I feel that way when I put on my Nemours Children’s Health badge in the morning, and I know our 9,500 Nemours associates do as well.... Read More

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Sleep On It

I’ve done the math. I have gone all night without sleep for over 1,400 nights. I have had interrupted sleep for over 2,500 nights. I’m not proud of this. Such is life as a surgical resident and practicing pediatric surgeon.

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Heart Health

May is Women’s Health Month, and it’s also the month we celebrate mothers. I lost my mother to cancer in 2017 and there has not been a day since when I have not thought about her and felt her presence. There are so many things I love about my wife, but none is more important to me than being the best possible mother to our children...

Reading Is Fun

Perhaps the perfect summer afternoon for me is sitting on a beautiful Florida beach next to my dog Nala with a book in my hand. Reading is one of my greatest pleasures in life and doing so in beautiful surroundings is close to nirvana. Shawn Achor, a renowned leader in the field of positive psychology, reports that spending even brief periods doing things we love produces enduring improvements in happiness. How do I know this?...

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