Ali Mirza Onder, MD


Primary Office

Nemours Children's Hospital, Delaware Nemours Children's Hospital, Delaware 1600 Rockland Road Wilmington, DE 19803 Appointment: (800) 416-4441

Other Offices

Get to Know Me

I enjoy being a physician, taking care of the kids and the kidneys and helping families in their medical journeys, no matter how intense or mild and regardless of the outcome. These families trust us and our opinions with their children and keep faith in what we say and recommend. This whole process is very humbling and gratifying at the same time.

Why I Treat Children

I was drawn to pediatrics because of my observations noting the resilience, the sincerity and honesty in children’s responses to various life stressors, including diseases. Their resilience to both the psychological and physical demands and stresses of illness never stopped surprising me. And then, at the end of the journey, their ability to recover and bounce back has continued to be the greatest satisfaction for me.

What I'm Passionate About

I am most passionate about bringing the most up-to-date methods of medical care to all my friends (patients) regardless of their background, socio-economic status, culture or geographical challenges. I feel that our job is to eliminate the discrepancies in access to medical care and treatment to the best of our abilities, simply because there is no point in having a solution for a problem, no matter how magical it might be, if the solution cannot be applied to everyone in need of that solution.

How I Try to Make A Difference

I try to make a difference by being a good listener. I give my best effort to listen well and to understand what is being told to me. It is my first goal that my friends and their families will feel that they were given enough time to explain their course and concerns. And following that, I try my best to interpret the information given and come to conclusions. Then, I share my thoughts, outcome possibilities and our approach plan with honesty so that both my friends and their families have an understanding of their condition. Without sugar-coating or tap-dancing around the topic, I try to give my best explanation with the information available, sharing with them that the given opinion may always change, to the worse or better, as more information flows in. 

Education & Training


  • Pediatric Nephrology - Jackson Memorial Hospital/Jackson Health System, 2006


  • Pediatrics - Marmara University School of Medicine - Turkey, 2000


  • Pediatrics - Miami Childrens Health System/Nicklaus Child Hosp, 2003

Medical/Dental School

  • M.D. - Uludag Universitesi, 1997

Board Certifications

  • American Board of Pediatrics/Pediatric Nephrology

Awards & Recognition

  • 2021 Best Attending Physician Award, Children’s of Mississippi
  • 2020 Best Attending Physician Award, Children’s of Mississippi

Research Activities

Two research interests: One of them is catheter-related bacteremia for the long-term hemodialysis catheters. The pathogenesis of CRB as well as its treatment strategies and prevention methods have been a long-term research interest for me.

My second research interest is cardiac surgery associated-acute kidney injury. I'm very interested in finding modifiable predictors and insults leading to acute kidney injury in children undergoing cardiac surgery.

Medical Interests

Management of cardiorenal syndrome, both in acute and chronic presentation, is one of my favorite conditions to take care of.

  • Real World Testing of a Clinical Strategy to Start Early Peritoneal Dialysis for High-Risk Newborns Following Cardiac Surgery; Kidney360; (2025).

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  • Predictors of early peritoneal dialysis initiation in newborns and young infants following cardiac surgery; Cardiology in the Young; (2024).

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  • Detecting the prevalence of bacterial colonization on tunneled cuffed hemodialysis catheters using quantitative PCR targeting 16S rRNA and scanning electron microscopy; The Journal of Vascular Access; (2022).

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  • Predictors of time to first cannulation for arteriovenous fistula in pediatric hemodialysis patients: Midwest Pediatric Nephrology Consortium study; Pediatric Nephrology; (2020).

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  • Predictors of patency for arteriovenous fistulae and grafts in pediatric hemodialysis patients; Pediatric Nephrology; (2019).

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  • English
  • Turkish